About Us

Welcome to our website. We are glad you could stop by.

We are Troop 504 Amherst, a Scouts BSA troop located in Amherst, Massachusetts. Scouts BSA, formerly known as the Boy Scouts, is a century-old institution devoted to teaching youth valuable skills. We teach youth how to become adults through our valuable lessons and programs.

We are chartered by the Immanuel Lutheran Church, located adjacent to the UMASS Campus on North Pleasant Street in Amherst. 

We seek to teach youth important skills and to instill in them the ideals of service, character, and leadership. We are a youth-run troop; the scouts dictate the program and our adult volunteers serve as advisors and supporters. We meet weekly on Sunday evenings at 7PM, and we do at least one big outdoor activity per month, usually a weekend camping trip. But above all, Troop 504 seeks to allow youth to learn and grow while having fun. 

We are a scout troop centered in Amherst, Massachusetts. We are a part of a countrywide program, Scouts BSA, and we are a section of that, Troop 500. We are on a mission to teach children and teens skills necessary for life as well as have fun while doing it.